Virtuous Woman


“Who can find a virtuous woman (Proverbs 31:10a)?”

Arguably there are various opinions on whether there is such thing as a virtuous woman. In the wake of online dating finding a virtuous woman means going through profile after profile of individuals to find the person that is best suited for you, a woman of virtue. While people can easily list their qualities in their online profile that doesn’t mean they are who they say they are.

As humans we are imperfect but we have hope in a perfect God. The virtuous woman fears the Lord and is faithful to Him putting Him first in her life and these are the qualities that can shape anyone who loves and fears God into someone desirable possessing high moral standards, wise and ethical in all they do.

Who is the virtuous woman? The one who lives and possesses the qualities, characteristics and the wisdom found in God’s word.


Persistent Faith


Call on the Lord